Women’s Health

Women’s Health and Continence Physiotherapy is a specific type of physiotherapy for the assessment and treatment of bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, and any concerns during or after pregnancy.

Revitalize Physiotherapy Wanneroo uses Real-time Ultrasound to assess and diagnose pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Real time imaging is the most accurate method for diagnosing over or under active pelvic floors and provides visual cues for patients to ensure the best possible outcomes. We provide individually tailored pelvic floor exercise programs using the information gathered.

Women’s Health Physiotherapy can help with the following conditions:

  • Bladder symptoms: urinary leakage/incontinence, urinary urgency, going to the toilet too frequently in the day or night—in both men and women
  • Pelvic pain: pain in the pelvic and abdominal region, post-surgery, endometriosis, or painful sex
  • Breast conditions: mastitis, blocked ducts
  • Post pregnancy: abdominal muscle separation (diastasis), pelvic pain (sacro-iliac and pubic symphysis joints), coccyx pain, wrist pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and safe return to exercise.
  • Men’s continence: including before and after prostatectomy

Please speak to one of our reception staff on 9306 9266 to book an appointment today.