Balance & Exercise Classes

Falls are a major and very common problem amongst older people and remain the major cause of injury and accidental death in the 65+ age group and accounting for 40% of hospital admissions. A quick test to tell if you have reduced balance reactions is to see if you can stand on one leg for 10 seconds. If you can’t, your balance is reduced, and you are of an increased risk of falling and will benefit from a program designed to improve your balance. Our aim is to minimise the risk of falls or injury, so you can remain safe and independent at home.

The most common of these chronic conditions include arthritis, a cardiovascular risk factor or previous injury. ‘Having knowledge of these issues is what makes physiotherapy in the older space so important. A physiotherapist can tailor a program for a person, so if they have an injury or a concern about doing exercise they can be monitored and given something to do that is more suitable for them to complete. We don’t want them to lose interest in exercise.’ Anne-Marie Hill (APA)

Current research indicates that balance and strengthening exercises are the gold standard treatment for preventing falls in the elderly. In addition to reducing the risk of falls, exercise has the added bonus of promoting self-confidence, self-efficacy, improved cardiovascular fitness and improved independence through increased strength, endurance and reaction times.

Evidence suggests the over-60s undertake muscle-strengthening exercise twice a week, in addition to the Department of Health’s recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five to seven days a week.